Friday, November 16, 2007

Meet Eddie Benitez Jr - A Haunting Episode

Eddie Benitez Jr grew up in Brooklyn, NY as one of the sons of legendary Guitarist, Eddie Benitez. Throughout his childhood, Eddie Jr always felt there was something different about him. At the age of 6, Eddie Jr remembered being visited by an unknown being not of the real world, but could not really explain this phenomena. He would often seek comfort from his grandmother, Carmen Benitez who had a very special gift with the spiritual world. Eddie Jr continued to focus on his school work and sports (baseball, basketball and track & field) which he excelled as he was offered a sports scholarship at one of the universities in NY. Due to a sports injury his first year in college, Eddie Jr decided on an alternate career into business management.

Eddie Jr followed his family to Arizona where he continued in business management. Shortly after the move, Eddie Jr discovered again he was different from everybody else as he encountered an unknown force. This force was different than those he felt as a young child, much stronger with a sense of evil. With the help of his father, Eddie Jr was able to overcome and deal with his special gift, bringing him closer to god.

Today, Eddie Jr is following his father’s footsteps in the music industry by opening his own marketing & promotion company, “Jazz E Entertainment”. Eddie Jr has learned to accept the fact that he will be living a normal life with a special twist. There are times when people come to him for help as he lives his life wondering what will come his way next.

Please visit Eddie Benitez Jr at his myspace:
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Discover - A Haunting"Casa de los Muertos" Air Date

November 17 4:00PM EST/PST, 3PM CST
November 27 2:00PM EST/PST, 1PM CST

Check your local listing

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